
This is a worrying time for everyone, every business and every family. Our church family purse is no different and we are feeling the pinch very much due to the lack of plate collections and the gathering of the envelopes.

If you normally give by cash, please could you consider some giving online.

Online Regular Giving

This is a simple and easy way to give regularly. It’s accessible via all devices. Just click on the link below and you’ll be walked through the process. You can give a one time gift or set up regular giving! (It will set up as a direct debit even for one-off donations).

Standing Order

You can set up a standing order or one off payment using the following account details:
Sort Code: 40-52-40 | Account No: 00008036
Reference — Your first name followed by giving e.g. ‘namegiving’

One-Off Donation

If you would like to give a one off donation then please use the button below where you can put in the amount and pay via SumUp.