Tower Fundraising

The Quinton Church Tower (or “Spirelet” as it is officially defined) is a prominent local landmark. It may be small but it is perfectly formed and actually more mighty than its diminutive stature might suggest.

Because it carries the great accolade of being the highest point in Birmingham and the legendary status of being the highest point in a direct line east until you hit the Ural Mountains in Russia! (Can anyone give us proof of that?) 

The tower is beginning to feel its age and with the wind and the rain that comes at it, driving against the stonework, it has begun to leak water into the upper area of the church building.

We need to renovate and repair the damage to prevent more harm being done structurally to the church building.

We have appointed a firm of “high access” engineers to do the work, hopefully starting soon. We have set ourselves a target of £10,000 to raise for this work but we may need more.

Would you like to contribute to the Tower Fund?

Help us to protect this special Quinton landmark?

Any contributions are welcome in our special appeal fund!

If you would like to gift aid a donation please donate via this link or do a bank transfer:

Sort Code: 40-52-40 | Account No: 00008036

And let us know it is for the tower fund!

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